Nervous System

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ATC Reimbursed

List of reimbursed drugs, is an important part of Service Packages covering the Fund of Compulsory Health Care Insurances for the population. The list of reimbursable drugs aims at improving the quality of service for all patients, particularly for people in need. In this regard, through the new list of drugs, FCHC aims at increasing the attention toward categories such as retirees and patients suffering from serious illnesses.

In compiling the list of drugs there are some scientific criteria which have been taken into consideration, by giving priority to drugs used for severe diseases; diseases of high risk for life; diseases that cause disability; diseases that risk of being spread into the society; diseases that cause much suffering as well as chronic illnesses requiring prolonged treatment.

Nervous System - Reimbursed

Solution for injection - (1%) 10 mg/ml

Film-coated tablets - 10 mg

Tablets - 500 mg

Tablets - 500 mg

Tablets - 5 mg

Parkinsan contains the active substance trihexyphenidyl hydrochloride.

It is an antimuscarinic agent with similar effects as atropine.

It exerts direct inhibitory effect on the parasimpatique nervous system by inhibiting the effects of acetylcholine.

Parkinsan has also an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles.

Parkinsan 5 mg tablets are indicated:

  • as supportive treatment for all forms of parkinsonism (postencephalytic, artheriosclerotic and idiopathic);
  • as adjuvant therapy when treating the above-mentioned forms of parkinsonism with levodopa. It helps in reducing muscle rigidity and increased salivation that accompanies parkinsonism;
  • as adjuvant therapy when using levodopa to control extrapyramidal disorders due to central nervous system drugs.

Solution for injection - 5 mg/ml - 20 ml

Solution for injection - 10 mg/2 ml

Tablets - 200 mg


Tabletes - 50 mg


Film coated tablets - 1 mg


Film coated tablets - 0.5 mg


Solution for infusion - 1000 mg / 100 ml


Tablets - 1.1 mg


Tablets - 0.35 mg


Tablets - 0.088 mg


Film coated tablets - 50 mg


Film coated tablets - 300 mg

Protapin contains the active substance called quetiapine. This belongs to a group of medicines called anti-psychotics. Protapin can be used to treat several illnesses, such as:

  • bipolar depression: where you feel sad; you may find that you feel depressed, feel guilty, lack energy, lose your appetite or can’t sleep;
  • mania: where you may feel very excited, elated, agitated, enthusiastic or hyperactive or have poor judgment including being aggressive or disruptive;
  • schizophrenia: where you may hear or feel things that are not there, believe things that are not true or feel unusually suspicious, anxious, confused, guilty, tense or

Film coated tablets - 100 mg

Protapin contains the active substance called quetiapine. This belongs to a group of medicines called anti-psychotics. Protapin can be used to treat several illnesses, such as:

  • bipolar depression: where you feel sad; you may find that you feel depressed, feel guilty, lack energy, lose your appetite or can’t sleep;
  • mania: where you may feel very excited, elated, agitated, enthusiastic or hyperactive or have poor judgment including being aggressive or disruptive;
  • schizophrenia: where you may hear or feel things that are not there, believe things that are not true or feel unusually suspicious, anxious, confused, guilty, tense or


Solution for injection - 0.5 mg / 1 ml

Film coated tablets - 2 mg

Risocon contains risperidone as active substance. Risocon belongs to a group of medicines called ‘anti-psychotics’.

Risocon is used:

  • for the treatment of schizophrenia, where you may see, hear or feel things that are not there, believe things that are not true or feel unusually suspicious, or confused;
  • for the treatment of mania, where you may feel very excited, elated, agitated, enthusiastic or hyperactive; mania occurs in an illness called “manic-depressive disease”;
  • in short-term treatment (up to 6 weeks) of long-term aggression in people with Alzheimer’s dementia, who harm themselves or others; alternative (non-drug) treatments should have been used previously.


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