The Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Classification System is used for the classification of active ingredients of drugs according to the organ or system on which they act and their therapeutic, pharmacological and chemical properties.

ATC code B: Blood and blood forming organs is a section of the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System, a system of alphanumeric codes developed by the WHO for the classification of drugs and other medical products.

Blood And Blood Forming Organs

Tablets - 5 mg

Solution for injection - 840 mg/10 ml

Bikarbonat natriumi 840 mg / 10 ml is a preparation which is injected into the vein.

It is used to restore normal pH to the body after a cardiac arrest. During a cardiac arrest (stopping of the heart), a considerable amount of acid in the body can be accumulated (metabolic acidosis). As sodium bicarbonate is alkaline, it is used to neutralize this acidity.

Film coated tablets - 75 mg


Film coated tablets - 75 mg


Solution for injection - (40%) 4 g/10 ml

Solution for infusion - 5% (50 g/1000 ml)

Solution for infusion - 5% (50 g/1000 ml)

Glucose is a monosaccharide, which by mouth, but mainly parenterally, is used as a source of energy; it takes part in the metabolism of lipids and prevents acidosis by increasing the hepatic nitrogen content. The latter function has been used to prevent and to treat intoxications from medicines which are hepatotoxic. In absence of a sufficient quantity of glucose, lipids are highly oxidized and the intermediate products, such as: hydroxybutyric acid and acetoacetic acid are accumulated in blood becoming a potential cause for ketoacidosis.

It is indicated for fluid replacement and to provide the necessary energy, as a parenteral nutrition of severely-ill patients, in hypoglycemia; in intoxications with different substances (barbiturates, morphine, salicylates, mercuric compounds).


Solution for infusion - 5% (50 g/1000 ml)

Glucose is a monosaccharide, which by mouth, but mainly parenterally, is used as a source of energy; it takes part in the metabolism of lipids and prevents acidosis by increasing the hepatic nitrogen content. The latter function has been used to prevent and to treat intoxications from medicines which are hepatotoxic. In absence of a sufficient quantity of glucose, lipids are highly oxidized and the intermediate products, such as: hydroxybutyric acid and acetoacetic acid are accumulated in blood becoming a potential cause for ketoacidosis.

It is indicated for fluid replacement and to provide the necessary energy, as a parenteral nutrition of severely-ill patients, in hypoglycemia; in intoxications with different substances (barbiturates, morphine, salicylates, mercuric compounds).

Solution for infusion - 5% (50 g/1000 ml)

Glucose is a monosaccharide, which by mouth, but mainly parenterally, is used as a source of energy; it takes part in the metabolism of lipids and prevents acidosis by increasing the hepatic nitrogen content. The latter function has been used to prevent and to treat intoxications from medicines which are hepatotoxic. In absence of a sufficient quantity of glucose, lipids are highly oxidized and the intermediate products, such as: hydroxybutyric acid and acetoacetic acid are accumulated in blood becoming a potential cause for ketoacidosis.

It is indicated for fluid replacement and to provide the necessary energy, as a parenteral nutrition of severely-ill patients, in hypoglycaemia; in intoxications with different substances (barbiturates, morphine, salicylates, mercuric compounds).

Enteric coated tablets - 100 mg

Solution for injection - 1 g/10 ml

Calcium is a mineral element necessary to maintain electrolytic balance and proper functioning of many regulatory mechanisms.

Calcium insufficiency is associated with neuromuscular disorders and bone demineralisation.

Taking calcium increases its concentration in serum and in the whole body. 99% of calcium in the body is bound with phosphates in bones, mainly as hydroxyapatite.

It is indicated in:

  • calcium deficiency (spasmophilia, tetany, adjuvant medication in rickets, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, in healing of fractures);
  • allergic diseases (serum sickness, anaphylactic shock, urticaria, angioneurotic edema);
  • chronic infectious disease;
  • exudative eczema;
  • adjuvant medication in treating insect bites.

Solution for injection - 750 mg/10 ml

Potassium participates in a number of essential physiological processes, such as maintenance of intracellular tonicity and a proper report with sodium in the cell membrane, cell metabolism, transmission of nerve impulses, contraction of the heart muscle, skeletal and smooth muscles; acid-base balance and maintaining normal kidney function. Normal levels of potassium in serum range from 3.5 to 5 milliequivalent / L.

Klorur kaliumi is indicated for the correction of severe hypokalemia and when sufficient quantities of potassium cannot be taken by mouth.

Solution for injection – 1000 mg / 10 ml (10 %)

Solution for injection – 85 mg / 10 ml (0.85 %)

Solution for infusion– 0.9%

Results 1 - 15 of 29

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Film coated tablets - 180 mg


Solution - 10 %


Rectal solution - 5 mg/2.5 ml

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