ATC Reimbursed

List of reimbursed drugs, is an important part of Service Packages covering the Fund of Compulsory Health Care Insurances for the population. The list of reimbursable drugs aims at improving the quality of service for all patients, particularly for people in need. In this regard, through the new list of drugs, FCHC aims at increasing the attention toward categories such as retirees and patients suffering from serious illnesses.

In compiling the list of drugs there are some scientific criteria which have been taken into consideration, by giving priority to drugs used for severe diseases; diseases of high risk for life; diseases that cause disability; diseases that risk of being spread into the society; diseases that cause much suffering as well as chronic illnesses requiring prolonged treatment.

Respiratory System - Reimbursed

Film-coated tablets - 10 mg

Syrup - 2 mg/5 ml - 150 ml

100 mg – Sugar-coated tablets

Solution for injection - (202 mg + 50.5 mg) / 10 ml (2.5%) 

Solution for injection - (202 mg + 50.5 mg) / 10 ml (2.5%)

Solution for injection - (192 mg + 48 mg) / 2 ml (12%)

Syrup - 1 mg/ 5 ml

Ketofex syrup contains the active substance ketotifen fumarate, which is a medicine used for the prevention and treatment of allergic symptoms.

It is indicated in:

  • allergic rhinitisand allergic skindiseasesin terms ofsymptomatictreatment, whentreatment withoralnon-sedatingantihistamines (antihistamines which do not cause drowsiness), and local use of antihistaminesand glucocorticoids, (cortisone preparations) isnot appropriate;
  • long-term preventionofasthmatic symptomsin combinationwith other anti-inflammatory drugsin allergicpolysymptomatics (e.g. patients with allergic bronchial asthma and hay fever).



Ketofex syrup is not suitable for the treatment of acute asthma attacks.
A sole treatment of bronchial asthma with Ketofex syrup is not recommended.

The therapy of severe asthma should be done gradually to be successful.

The therapy should be based on continuous medical search. Doctors estimate that in the progress of the disease and treatment success a daily self-control is important.

If there is no improvement even after following a correct therapy, the doctor should reassess the therapy.

Hard capsules - 1 mg

Ketofex contains the active substance ketotifen fumarate, which is a medicine used for the prevention and treatment of allergic symptoms.

It is indicated in:

  • allergic rhinitisand allergic skindiseasesin terms ofsymptomatictreatment, whentreatment withoralnon-sedatingantihistamines (antihistamines which do not cause drowsiness), and local use of antihistaminesand glucocorticoids, (cortisone preparations) isnot appropriate;
  • long-term preventionofasthmatic symptomsin combinationwith other anti-inflammatory drugsin allergicpolysymptomatics (e.g. patients with allergic bronchial asthma and hay fever).


Hard capsules - 1 mg

Ketofex contains the active substance ketotifen fumarate, which is a medicine used for the prevention and treatment of allergic symptoms.

It is indicated in:

  • allergic rhinitisand allergic skindiseasesin terms ofsymptomatictreatment, whentreatment withoralnon-sedatingantihistamines (antihistamines which do not cause drowsiness), and local use of antihistaminesand glucocorticoids, (cortisone preparations) isnot appropriate;
  • long-term preventionofasthmatic symptomsin combinationwith other anti-inflammatory drugsin allergicpolysymptomatics (e.g. patients with allergic bronchial asthma and hay fever).


Tablets - 15 mg

Tablets – 10 mg

Syrup - 5 mg/5 ml

Sugar coated tablets - 25 mg

Promethazine is a phenothiazine derivative, which decreases or eliminates the main histamine actions by competing with histamine or reversibly blocking histamine receptors in tissues. Promethazine does not deactivate histamine, and does not prevent its secretion. H1 receptors are responsible for blood vessel dilation, increase of capillary permeability, itching and, up to an extent, for bronchial and gastrointestinal tract smooth muscle contractions. Promethazine has also antimuscarinic properties, antagonizing effects of adrenaline and serotonin and local anesthetic effects.

Prometazine 25 mg sugar-coated tablets are indicated in:

  • temporary relief of rhinorrhea and sneezing associated with flu;
  • symptomatic relief of seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis;
  • relief of symptoms such as pruritus of allergic and non-allergic origin;
  • treatment of mild, uncomplicated skin manifestations of urticaria and angioedema;
  • alleviation of allergic reactions from blood or plasma transfusions;
  • treatment of dermographism;
  • ancillary treatment in anaphylactic reactions;
  • preoperative and postoperative sedation;
  • prevention and management of nausea and vomiting associated with certain types of anaesthesia and surgical procedures;
  • adjuvant treatment to analgesics for control of postoperative pain;
  • facilitation of sleep;
  • prevention and treatment of motion sickness (travelling by automobile, plane, ship).



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