Baby Cream

Baby Cream
(4000 I.U.+2000 I.U.+2 mg+50 mg)/g
Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, Vitamin E, Zinc oxide
White plastic jar x 50ml
Cream - (4000 I.U.+2000 I.U.+2 mg+50 mg)/g  

Cream - (4000 I.U.+2000 I.U.+2 mg+50 mg)/g


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Oral drops solution – (10.000 UI + 10.000 UI) / ml

Cream - (4000 I.U.+2000 I.U.+2 mg+50 mg)/g


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Calcium is a mineral element necessary to maintain electrolytic balance and proper functioning of many regulatory mechanisms. Calcium insufficiency is associated with neuromuscular disorders and bone demineralisation. Calcium increases the effectiveness of leukocytes, increases phagocytosis and has an exudative effect on the capillaries during cold weather. Taking calcium increases its concentration in serum and in the whole body. 99% of calcium in the body is bound with phosphates in bones, mainly as hydroxyapatite.

Kalcium glukonat is indicated as additional treatment to the osteoporosis of different ethiology (postmenopausal osteoporosis, senile osteoporosis, osteoporosis induced by corticosteroids, gastrectomy or immobilization); prophylaxis of bone demineralisation before, during or after menopause; additional medication in rickets or osteomalacia; latent tetany (in acute cases calcium gluconate is used parenterally); in case of increased needs for calcium during pregnancy and breast feeding, as well as in the period of growth (childhood, adolescence); allergic condition (as additional treatment).