
Digoksine 0.25 mg
Digoksine 0.25 mgDigoksine 0.25 mgDigoksine 0.25 mgDigoksine 0.25 mgDigoksine 0.25 mg
Cardiovascular System
0.25 mg
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Tablets - 0.25 mg … Read more

Tablets - 0.25 mg

Digoxin is a digitalic cardiac glycoside used in the treatment of supraventricular arrhythmia, and especially in atrial fibrillation and heart failure. Its main action is to increase the contractility of the heart muscle and also slowing down the heart conduction, especially through atrioventricular node. Digoxin exerts a direct action on smooth muscles of blood vessels and a non-direct action starting from autonomic nervous system and especially by increased vagal activity.

Alterations of autonomic activity reflexes that depend from effects on circulatory system are also observed. Especially these effects result in positive inotropic effect, negative chronotropic effect and in slowing down the activity of atrioventricular node. In conclusion, the beneficial effects of digoxin are a result of direct actions on heart muscle, as well as of the indirect action on the cardiovascular system due to the effects on the autonomic nervous system.

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Solution for injection - ( 0.1%) 1 mg/1 ml

Adrenaline is an endogenous substance that is produced in the adrenal medulla and has important physiological effects. It is a potent agonist at both alpha and beta adrenoceptors, although the effect on beta adrenoceptors is more marked, particularly at lower doses.

 The major effects of adrenaline are dose-related and include:

dilatation of the bronchi, narrowing of blood vessels, increased heart rate and contractility (positive chronotropic and inotropic effect) and stimulation at central level. Adrenaline is a histamine antagonist. It is used for the treatment of life emergencies.

Adrenaline is used in acute allergic reactions and anaphylactic shock.

It is also used in advanced cardiac life support.

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Solution for injection - (0.1%) 1 mg/1 ml