
Muscolo - Skeletal System
70 mg
Alendronate sodium trihydrate
Box x 4
Tablets - 70 mg … Read more

Tablets - 70 mg

Ostamax përmban alendronat natrium trihidrat në sasi ekuivalente me 70 mg acid alendronik, të cilit i detyrohet efekti farmakologjik. Alendronat natrium trihidrat bën pjesë në klasën e barnave johormonale të quajtur bisfosfonate. Ai parandalon humbjen e masës kockore gjatë menopauzës si dhe ndihmon në rindërtimin e kockës, ndaj ul rrezikun e frakturave (thyerjeve) të shpinës e të legenit.
Ky bar përdoret për të trajtuar osteoporozën, e cila është e shpeshtë tek gratë pas menopauzës ose për të ndihmuar në parandalimin e zhvillimit të kësaj sëmundjeje.

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Tablets - 300mg

Alopurin is a medicine which inhibits the formation of uric acid (uricostatic).

Alopurin is indicated:


  • in cases where blood uric acid values are 500 µmol/l (8.5mg/100 ml) and above, provided it is dietary unmanageable, or in clinical complications with hyperuricemic conditions, especially manifested gout, renal damage caused by uric acid (uratenephropathy),treatment and prevention of uric acid stones, and to prevent the formation of calcium oxalate stones in concomitant hyperuricemia;
  • in raised blood uric acid levels and increased excretion of uric acid in urine, e.g. in strong cell decay, radiation or chemotherapy (secondary hyperuricemia).

Tablets - 25 mg

Film coated tablets - 180 mg


Tablets – 100 mg

Alopurin is a medicine which inhibits the formation of uric acid (uricostatic).

Alopurin is indicated:


  • in cases where blood uric acid values are 500 µmol/l (8.5mg/100 ml) and above, provided it is dietary unmanageable, or in clinical complications with hyperuricemic conditions, especially manifested gout, renal damage caused by uric acid (urate nephropathy),treatment and prevention of uric acid stones, and to prevent the formation of calcium oxalate stones in concomitant hyperuricemia;
  • in raised blood uric acid levels and increased excretion of uric acid in urine, e.g. in strong cell decay, radiation or chemotherapy (secondary hyperuricemia).

Solution for injection - (0.1%) 1 mg/1 ml