
World Oral Health Day lightbox[oraleng]World Oral Health Day


World Oral Health Day

World Oral Health Day (WOHD) is celebrated every year on 20 March. It is an international day to celebrate the benefits of a healthy mouth and to promote worldwide awareness of the issues around oral health and the importance of oral hygiene to looking after everyone old and young.

It is a day for people to have fun – that should be a day full of activities that make people laugh, sing and smile!


Why is WOHD Important?

Because 90% of the world’s population will suffer from oral diseases in their lifetime and many of them can be avoided with increased governmental, health association and society support and funding for prevention, detection and treatment programmes.

In addition, World Oral Health Day offers the dental and oral health community a platform to take action and help reduce the overall disease burden.


What is the theme for 2016 WOHD?

WOHD 2016 aims to get everyone to recognise the impact their oral health has on overall physical health and wellbeing to help inspire this change, the overall campaign platform will be:

This powerful and engaging messaging is rooted in a global truth of oral health’s wider importance, galvanising the audience to drive a movement for change.


Who is the audience for WOHD 2016?

Everybody can take part in this initiative: health associations, specialist groups, member organizations and partners, governmental groups, students, teachers, the public generally, and to large and so on.

This year we want to be sure everyone is taking time to promote oral health in their communities and reach as large an audience as possible.



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